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item veto 提案部分項目否決權〔美國某些州州長的職權之一〕。


A line - item veto would reduce the incentive for congress to spend wastefully because when lawmakers know their pet projects will be held up to public scrutiny , they will be less likely to suggest them in the first place 總統每一次使用這項權力都將會遏制國會中這種暗箱操作的現象,因為他們的這些行為會受到公眾的監督,而他們一定會知道孰重孰輕的。

I call on the senate to show a bipartisan commitment to fiscal discipline by passing the line - item veto so we can work together to cut wasteful spending , reduce the deficit , and save money for american taxpayers 我呼吁參議院也能出現這種兩黨聯合的情況,來保證國庫支出的正規,并讓我們一起精簡那些無意義的支出,降低赤字,節省美國納稅人的錢。

However , the supreme court ruled that version of the line - item veto unconstitutional because it took too much spending authority away from the congress 但是,最高法院認為那樣的部分否決是違憲的,因為那會分散許多屬于國會的支出管理權。

Budget reforms , including comprehensive earmark reform and a legislative line - item veto , will help eliminate wasteful and unnecessary spending 預算改革,包括綜合專項撥款改革和國會單項否決權等,將有助于減少浪費性開支和盲目開支。

There ' s a smarter way to handle taxpayer dollars , and it begins with granting the president a tool called the line - item veto 現在有一個更明智的方法來使用納稅人的錢,而它需要法律賦予總統一個被稱為部分否決的工具。

Most importantly , a line - item veto would benefit american taxpayers by ensuring greater respect for their hard - earned dollars 最重要的是,部分否決權保證了納稅人辛苦掙得的錢將得到更合理的使用,使他們受益。

A line - item veto would give the president a way to insist on greater discipline in the budget 部分否決權將為總統維護設定預算的規范性提供了一種新的手段。